Sim4Life Release V7.0

We are pleased to offer our Sim4Life users the latest software version for download. The benefits of Sim4Life V7.0 are manifold:

  • Neuromodeling: 10× faster, a new axon model, improved user interface
  • MRI Safety: Test Field Diversity support in IMAnalytics
  • ViP: new human male model Eddie cV3.1, with detailed vasculature and peripheral nervous system
  • mmWave: direct import of models created in DASY8/6 Module mmWave V3.0+ for further in silico evaluations
  • OTA Evaluations: unlimited for 5G NR FR2 devices and beyond thanks to new solver-enhanced body models

Sim4Life V7.0 comes with various additional performance boosts, bugfixes, and other enhancements that enrich the user experience and ease-of-use.


Explore all exciting new features of Sim4Life V7.0 here.
The installer can be downloaded here.

For further information, please email us at 03-3631901#134 /