- Features
- ICEy is a turnkey system in which all equipment necessary for high-precision EMI/EMC and 5G mm-wave near-field measurements are highly integrated
- The ICEy-mmWave module enables power density compliance testing as close as 2 mm from any surface for frequencies from 10 up to 110 GHz with minimal uncertainty using the novel EUmmWV2 probe integrated in ICEy with the DAE4ICEy. The module is compatible with all international and national standards, e.g., IEC TC106 AHG10, FCC, etc.
- ICEy provides μm scan resolutions, fully traceable calibrated equipment, and specified measurement uncertainties for arbitrary sources.
- An advanced GUI accelerates measurement and setup by providing efficient guidance for visually planning measurement campaigns based on computer vision support and advanced evaluation libraries. Millions of measurement samples can be acquired within a second.